Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Your Tax Dollars at Work: Fake UN Radio News

Fake news is on the march at the United Nations! Yep, take a look here. The UN's bloated propaganda ministry, its Department of Public Information, today launched "UN Radio News/USA, a new source of audio feeds for radio broadcasters about the world Organization and the issues that affect the American people."

Isn't that great? Read on:
“This service is a ‘one-stop shop’ for broadcasters in the United States”, said Susan Farkas, Chief of the Department of Public Information’s Radio and Television Service. “They have quick and easy access to news that affects all Americans”, she added.

Through the service, broadcasters enjoy access to a selection of actualities, as well as complete, unedited audio of the day’s meetings, speeches, news conferences and media stakeouts, making it possible for stations to cover the United Nations as never before. Spanish news and special reports will also be posted.

As you can see, the UN has moved on from using the UN press corps as its own private army of publicists and fake-news hosts, and has now is offering fake news to any radio broadcasters who want to be corrupted by the East River Terrorist Cheerleading and Debating Society. The best part is that your tax dollars are paying for it. About half the budget of the UN comes from US taxpayers.

UPDATE: Great item in Accuracy in Media ripping to shreds the UN's fake-news apparatus, subject of my earlier item here.