Thursday, November 10, 2005

Calame & Dowd: Where Are the Corrections?

Calame: Owes Miller a Correction

One lingering issue from the Judith Miller fiasco concerns the egregious errors in the one-two punch that she received from Maureen "Are Stupid Columnists Necessary?" Dowd and the Empty Suit, New York Times spokesman (a/k/a "public editor") Barney Calame.

In her website, Miller posts responses to both Calame and Dowd. Both are guilty of blatant errors and journalistic lapses. Rather than list them all -- and to tell you the truth, I'm pretty bored by the whole thing anyway -- I'd suggest just going to this link and seeing what Miller has to say.

Whatever you think of Miller, there's no question that she was shabbily treated by the vicious Dowd and the management-shill Calame. The latter's attack on Miller was particularly loathsome, as he is the individual who is supposed to be the guardian of "fairness" at this once-great paper.

It's long been established that Calame is useless as a journalistic watchdog. Let's see if he has any pretense of ethics when it comes to his own writings.

UPDATE: The Washington Post today makes this remarkable observation:

Several of Miller's Times colleagues, interviewed before her resignation, expressed bitterness after years of watching her seem to slip-slide away from sanction for questionable behavior, like being too cozy with a particular point of view, being too close to her sources, all of which she denies.
Wow. This from the newspaper that gave free reign to the far-left polemicist Chris Hedges?

Remember that back on 2001, while he was on the staff of the Times, Hedges openly advocated the Palestinian cause, and famously accused Israeli troops of killing children for "sport." Turns out that Hedges was mouthing Palestinian propaganda and was basically full of baloney.

Where was the "bitterness" then? Where was the concern that a reporter had become "too cozy with a particular point of view" and too "close to his sources"?